All Transfers:
Stockholders in Summit Reservoir and Irrigation Company are issued stock certificates based on the number of shares they own in the company. The certificates are ownership documents and should be protected against loss or theft.
New or replacement certificates are $25.00 each. In the event you have lost or misplaced your certificate, you will be required to obtain a lost instrument bond from an insurance or bonding company at additional cost.
There are a total of four hundred (400) shares of company stock issued.
Stock Transfer Information
Lost Instrument Bond for Lost/Missing SR&IC Stock Certificate
Required Items:
Original Stock Certificate
Completed Notarized Transfer Form
Completed Transfer Information Form
$25.00 Per Certificate Transfer Fee
Summit Reservoir & Irrigation Company
Upon receipt of the original signed stock certificate(s), proper forms and payment of the transfer fee, the company secretary / treasuer will issue a new certificate(s) as requested.
Stock transfers are presented for approval at the next monthy (second Wednesday of each month) board of director's meeting and if approved will be mailed by certified mail shortly thereafter. The board of directors reserves the right to delay issuance of a new or replacement certificate until relative questions are answered or supplemental information is received.
All outstanding account balances must be paid-in-full before a transfer can be processed.
In some cases, depending on when the request arrives, it may not be presented until the next month's meeting.
Aspenridge Insurance in Cortez has helped many of our stockholders by providing them with a lost instrument bond, which is required by our bylaws in order to replace a lost or missing stock certificate.
This is not an endorsement, but rather information provided to help our stockholders with a source for these specialty bonds.
The button below will permit you to download their bond application in a PDF that can be printed.
Please contact an agent at Aspenridge for the specific information they require to be filled out on the application for your circumstances.
Copyright 2015-2022 Summit Reservoir & Irrigation Company. All rights reserved.