Summit Reservoir & Irrigation Company

Company News


  • 01/10/2025 - We have a new shareholder who would like to lease his land at 12840 Road 32. Please contact Katelyn for contact information, if interested.
    • Land with 2 shares of water for lease:
      • ​About 20 acres of fenced-in, cleared pasture.
      • Risers and side roll on site.
      • Two shares Summit Irrigation 
      • No livestock
      • Land is good for alfalfa/hay.
      • Very flexible on terms.
  • 11/13/2024 - Monthly BOD Highlights
    • Marty Robbins was present to speak about the Division 7 headgates and measuring device rules that the Western Slope is in the final stages of trying to pass. Marty stated if the if the rule goes through, it will require measuring devices to be installed. Anything over 5 cfs will be required to have a measuring device within 24 months and anything under 5cfs will be required within 18 months.
    • Other issues that Marty addressed:
      • The smaller Parshall flume at Joe Moore needs repaired.
      • The 4-foot Parshall flume before the Puett takeout, on the Summit Main Ditch, has water going around it.
      • Markings on the reservoirs must be tagged showing foot increments.
      • Joe Moore needs markings below the boat ramp.
      • Puett has brush and willows growing up the boat ramp that need removed before they damage the ramp.
    • Marty mentioned that there is a CWCB grant specifically for installing the measuring devices and will let us know when we may apply for funds.
    • Ty Koppenhafer was present and spoke about engineering the Lost Canyon Diversion. He also shared that he has knowledge about grant writing and can assist in finding funding. The company needs to complete a feasibility study for the replacement of the Lost Canyon Diversion. This study would result in the development of a preliminary design concept and other related information needed to apply for funding opportunities.
      • There is a funding cycle in February, and we may apply now for the Mancos Conservation District Assistance Grant. If awarded the grant, the Mancos Conservation District will provide cost share for feasibility studies, with MCD providing 75% and Summit providing 25% of study costs up to $13,333 total costs ($10,000 from MCD and $3,333 from Summit). If total costs exceed $13,333, the ditch company is responsible for all additional costs. We should find out if we are awarded this grant in February 2025.
      • Ty estimates the total replacement of the Lost Canyon Diversion to be around $1.5M. If we use PL566 funding, this will take years to complete, and the company will have a 25% cost share of the total cost.
      • If we use EQIP funding through the NRCS, they may fund up to $900,000 but Joel with the NRCS doesn’t believe that will come close to covering the cost of the project. Joel also sent someone out to look at the current diversion and after looking it over, she stated that it’s out of her area of expertise. Nothing has since moved forward with this funding option.
    • The directors reviewed and signed the Engineer Inspection Reports for the Summit Main Dam and Summit South Dam. Both were rated as Unsatisfactory.
  • 09/11/2024 - Monthly BOD Highlights 
    • Bill Ivy spoke about finding someone to seek funding and write grants for work on the Lost Canyon Diversion and other various projects the company and stockholders could benefit from since Gretchen Rank, who was helping to find funding, is no longer with the Mancos Conservation District. Norman said he would speak to a couple of people to see what we can do about this. Norman will speak to Ty Koppenhafer about engineering the Lost Canyon Diversion. 
  • 08/14/2024 - Monthly BOD Highlights
    • The directors interviewed and hired Kim Perdue to take over for any future legal matters as Geoff Craig retires.  The directors and shareholders present thought she would be suitable for the company. Norman signed a legal representation agreement with her and Mr. Craig will get her up to speed on Summit's history and possible future needs. 
    • The fall stock run will be from Friday morning, September 20th and will be turned off Monday morning, September 23rd. 
    • The directors briefly discussed the Lost Canyon Diversion. Joel with the NRCS told Norman that he would hopefully have an update for us soon on where we are at in the process to receive funding but he did not have one prior to the meeting. 
      • The board would also like to speak with Ty Koppenhafer regarding the engineering of the diversion and he would like to come to a meeting to discuss this with the directors. 
  • 07/10/2024 - Monthly BOD Highlights
    • The directors discussed hiring a new attorney for the company, as Geoff Craig is retiring. Mr. Craig recommended Kim Perdue with Southwest Water and Property Law out of Durango. The board would like to interview her at the meeting in September to see if she would be a good fit for any matters that may come up in the future. 
    • Water was shut off June 24th for Joe Moore and June 30th for the rest of the system.
    • There will be a plan for a fall stock run, hopefully in September this year. 
  • 06/13/2024 -  JOE MOORE WILL BE SHUT OFF WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26TH. THE REST OF SUMMIT TURNS OFF THE EVENING OF SUNDAY, JUNE 30TH. Fall stock run will be determined later if we get moisture.
  • 06/12/2024 - Monthly BOD Highlights
    • Joe Moore received water about 3 weeks earlier that the rest of Summit this year. 
    • Water will be shut off for Joe Moore in two weeks. The Summit system will be turned off June 30th.
    • ​Summit is down 9 feet, Puett is down 6 feet and Joe Moore is down 3 feet. Turkey Creek is almost dry.
    • The water will be shut off with the hope for a fall stock run if we get some moisture.
    • Fish and Game sprayed thistle and willows on the crest of all three reservoirs.​
  • 05/08/2024 - Monthly BOD Highlights
    • Steve Boyd reported that water in Summit is down 5 ft., Puett is down  4 ft., Joe Moore is full and those on that system are already receiving water. 
    • Bill Ivy reported the Extension Ditch was cleaned May 4th.
  • 05/08/2024 - WATER WILL BE TURNED ON MAY 17TH, 2024.
  • 04/13/2024 - Monthly BOD Highlights
    • Steve Boyd reported that Summit and Puett are looking good going into spring. Plan for water mid-May but this will be decided at the May 8th meeting and announced after. There will also be plowing on the ditch bank, April 12th.
    • Bill Ivy requested that the willows and thistle on Summit be sprayed this year. The discussion amongst all present was that it’s best to spray these in the fall to get the best results but agreed that it is something that will need to be done.
    • It was discussed that spraying the Turkey Creek Ditch and Lost Canyon Ditch as preventative measures would be a good idea, since they were extensively cleaned last year.
    • Included in signing the approved bylaws, there was a new rule added to the rules and regulations that was signed by the directors-         
      • Item 9: Any Stockholder that desires to place an item on the Company agenda for discussion or action at any regular, annual, or special meeting of the Stockholders, including a proposed bylaw amendment or any other issue, shall send the item to the Company at least 20 days prior to the meeting and shall request that the item be placed on the agenda for the upcoming meeting.  ​
  • 03/13/2024 -  Monthly BOD Highlights
    • ​The board reviewed and signed the Puett and Joe Moore Dam Reports. Both were listed as satisfactory. The report for Joe Moore stated that there does need to be some trees removed at the spill way. The report also stated the face of Joe Moore could use some riprap.
    • ​Summit is still in the process for PL566 funding, but it will take some years to go through the process and complete the project for the Lost Canyon Diversion Dam. The company has been approved for EQIP Funding. We may be able to start the engineering this year but would have to apply for additional funding as EQIP Funding gives a certain allowance to each material used to help cover costs of a project. 
  • 03/13/2024 - The bylaw amendments proposed at the special meeting on March 13th were all voted on and passed. 
  • 02/03/2024 - Monthly BOD Highlights
    • There was a board of directors meeting held following the annual stockholder meeting. This meeting was to sign certificates and pay any outstanding bills. There were no other topics discussed. 
  • 02/20/2024 - There will be a special meeting on March 13, 2024 at the Empire Electric Calvin Denton Room to review and vote on the new bylaw amendments, followed by a board of director's meeting beginning at 7:00PM. 
  • 11/08/2023 - Monthly BOD Highlights
    • Jay Wallace completed the Turkey Creek Ditch cleaning and repair work. Bentonite was placed in areas that were leaking and is currently holding strong. We will submit the request for funds to be paid by the Southwestern Water Conservation District (SWCD) as soon as the invoice from Jay Wallace is complete. SWCD’s portion is $15,500, which is 50% of the total project cost of $31,000.00. 
    • It has been discussed with the directors that some of the bylaws need to be made clearer. Summit’s water attorney, Geoff Craig, created amendments to the bylaw rules and regulations. The directors approved and signed them during the meeting. 
  • 12/04/2023 - BOD Meeting moved to Thursday, December 7 at 5:30
  • 10/11/2023 - Monthly BOD Highlights
    • ​Jay Wallace has cleaned Turkey Creek Ditch. He has cleared the ditch out from the top, to Joe Moore and then on to the highway.
      It was discussed by the directors to possibly hire Jay Wallace to clean some of the Main Ditch in some of the worse sections in the near future. 
    • Lost Canyon Diversion Dam:
      Originally, the Forest Service told Steve Boyd and Bill Ivy that the company can have the large tires that were sitting in the parking lot at McPhee Reservoir. They would be used to fix the diversion wall; however, the tires were already under contract when he said we could have them. The tires are no longer available. We will continue to wait until December and see if we are awarded any EQIP funding to engineer and work on the diversion. 
  • 11/08/2023 - BOD MEETING TIME CHANGED FROM 5:30 TO 6:30 ON 11/08/2023
  • 09/13/2023 - Monthly BOD Highlights
    • Tom Rice with the Forest Service stated that we can have the large tires that are sitting in the parking lot at McPhee Reservoir; they just have to be hauled away. There is a different contractor that is also taking some of the tires and Steve Boyd is waiting to hear back if we can hire that same contractor to haul the remaining tires to the base of Lost Canyon.
      If we are able to get them, the tires will be placed on the downward side of the existing diversion wall. They are roughly 3000 pounds and there are enough tires to possibly stack them three high. This could be the long term fix for the diversion dam. 
    • Fall stock run will be October 6, 7, 8th.
  • 09/14/2023 - There will be a fall stock run October 6,7,8th that will include everyone in the Summit System.
  • 08/09/2023 - Monthly BOD Highlights
    • ​​Reservoir levels as of 07/12/23:
      Joe Moore: At boat ramp

​                  ​Summit: 11.5 feet down

                  Puett: 10.5 feet down

  • ​​Summit Dam
    • ​Steve Boyd put a gate on the dam to keep people off the dam.
  • Lost Canyon Diversion Dam
    •  Steve Boyd and Bill Ivy met with Tom Rice, with the Forest Service, about clearing the gabions and blasting and moving rock to the base of the diversion wall. Tom mentioned that instead of using rock, there are large tires sitting in the parking lot at the McPhee Reservoir that the Forest Service would give the company. The tires are approximately 3000 lbs. The tires would need to be moved to the bottom of Lost Canyon and a contractor will need to be hired to get them to the diversion dam. The gabions need removed and then the tires can be placed on the downward side of the existing wall. There are enough tires to possibly stack them three high. This could be the long term fix for the diversion dam. Steve will find out more information on what this will take.
  • 07/12/2023 - Monthly BOD Highlights
    • Reservoir levels as of 07/12/23:
      Joe Moore: Full
      Summit: 6.5 feet down
      Puett: 6 feet down
    • Robert Urquhart
      • The board discussed an email that Robert Urquhart sent on July 5th, regarding the grant the board received for the cleanup and rehab on the Turkey Creek Ditch. In previous emails and writings, Mr. Urquhart states he will pay part of the cost of the project and do the work. His most recent email on 7/5/23 states that he sees no reason to participate as long as the company continues to block approval of using water on his Coppinger Ranch. Therefore, the board is going to have a shareholder continue on with the work without Mr. Urquhart. Mr Urquhart has been sent a formal letter from the board regarding this matter.
    • Lost Canyon Diversion Dam:
      • Steve Boyd met with an engineer (Luke) that is approved from the NRCS website to contract out. Luke took a look at the current diversion and made some suggestions on how to temporarily fix it while we wait to see if our EQUIP application is approved by the NRCS, come winter. Luke mentioned clearing out the gabions, putting large stones at the base of the downstream side of the wall and grouting them in to hold. He also suggested shortening the diversion wall length; since the water already runs over, another foot of water won’t affect anything structural. This would save money and material. ​
    • The entire Summit System was shut off on August 4th with the intention to have a fall stock run that should include everyone. Dates and details still TBD.  
  • Water for the entire Summit system will be shut off August 4, 2023. We anticipate a fall stock run, date/info TBD.
  • 06/21/2023 - Monthly BOD Highlights
    • Dam Inspections came in for the South and Main Dams. The South Dam stated it had improper surface drainage but was marked acceptable. The board discussed running a maintainer down during the fall to clean up the crest. 
    • ​Lake levels-
      Joe Moore: Full
      Summit: 3.5 feet down
      Puett: 3 feet down

    • Bill Ivy addressed the board with issues occurring on the Extension Ditch. He is hoping to start an association for the Extension Ditch and create their own bylaws. He plans to hold a meeting July 20th at the Dolores Community Center. Bill also would like to see the SRIC Bylaws to state “No pumping out of the ditch.” It was discussed that this may be a change that can be made and voted on at the annual meeting.
  • Water for the Main Ditch will be back on Sunday, the morning of the 28th.
  • As of May 24, the Summit Main Ditch will be shut down a few days for repairs. 
  • 05/10/2023 - Monthly BOD Highlights​
    • Water was turned on for the entire system on May 5th. 
    • Joe Moore and Puett are both full. Summit is down 6'.
    • There is quite a bit of damage up Lost Canyon. Bryan Lewis will do some ditch cleanup which includes moving a boulder out of the ditch so water can be turned down that ditch.
  • 04/18/2023 - Monthly BOD Highlights
    • ​Gretchen Rank was present and spoke about further funding options for the Lost Canyon Diversion Dam. She stated that if we can get the project engineered by early fall, we could apply for a grant through the NRCS in December. The engineer would need to be on the NRCS approved engineer list. Norman Butler stated he would contact some engineers on the list to see if they would be able to engineer it in that timeline. 
    • Gretchen stated that Lost Canyon now has it's own water shed. There is $20,000,000 available in funds for that, however, the diversion is not included in the plan at this time due to it's urgency. Also, the company would be responsible for paying 25% of that $20,000,000.
    • We currently have the EQIP (Environmental Quality Incentives Program) application in with the NRCS and are waiting to hear back if we are approved for any funding through them for engineering and/or work on the Lost Canyon Diversion Dam. The funding available through EQIP can be up to $900,000.
    • Steve Boyd showed images of damage done to the road to Lost Canyon from the snow we received this year. There were multiple cracks present and a large rock down as well. The rock will eventually need to be blasted but is not blocking the roadway currently. Jim Wagoner will do some repair work on the road.
    • Steve Boyd and John Butler spoke about the water levels and runoff, and due to current conditions, shareholders should be ready for water as soon as May 1st. (Later decided on May 5th).
  • Update - 04/26/2023 - Water will be turned on May 5th for the entire Summit system. 
  • 04/19/2023 - Be ready for water by May 1st
  • 03/08/2023 - Monthly BOD highlights
    • The board discussed the Lost Canyon Diversion Dam work needing to be done. Due to the large amount of snow we received this year, work most likely won't be able to begin until fall of 2023. We are still in the works for funding on the Lost Canyon Diversion replacement with PL566 and the NRCS. We have put in an application for funding through the NRCS as well and are waiting to hear back on if we will receive any funds. 
    • Paperwork and contracts were signed for the grant we received from the SWCD for the work on Turkey Creek Ditch. We will be able to start requesting funds from them now and can begin the work as soon as conditions allow. 
  • 03/07/2023 - Board of Directors meeting time has changed on 03/08/2023 @ 6:30PM
  • 02/16/2023 - Highlights from Annual Stockholder's Meeting held 01/28/2023
    • ​Election of Mike Rosso by Acclamation.
    • On 01/18/2023, SRIC was awarded a grant from the SWCD for $15,500 to rehabilitate the Turkey Creek Ditch spring/summer 2023. The company will contribute $8,000 in-kind and Robert Urquhart and Jay Wallace will contribute $7,500 and will be doing labor on the ditch. The work will be adding bentonite to repair the ditch and also taking heavy equipment and chainsaws to clean the ditch as well, over about a 5 mile span of the ditch. 
    • The company is in the feasibility study process with PL566 on the Lost Canyon Diversion Dam to see if it is eligible for engineering through PL566. If the feasibility study shows that it is eligible, the engineering will be 100% funded by PL566. After the engineering is complete, we can better see what it will take labor/money to replace the dam. They will also pay 75% of the project and we will be able to seek further funding for the remaining 25%. In the meantime, the company plans to repair the current diversion dam in 2023 until it can be replaced.
    • 2023 budget was approved
    • Stockholders voted to give an annual social security cost of living increase to the ditch rider and secretary salaries.
  • 12/14/2022 - Monthly BOD Highlights
    • The decision was made, for now, to put off the total replacement of the Lost Canyon Diversion Dam in 2023 due to the cost, and repair what is currently there late summer 2023. 
    • The Annual Stockholder Meeting will be held January 28, 2023 at 6PM at the Dolores Community Center. Registration starts at 5PM. 
  • 11/09/2022 - Monthly BOD Meeting highlights
    • The board spoke with Robert Urquhart regarding a grant proposal that he had been working on for the rehabilitation of the Turkey Creek Ditch. This would be for cleaning out the ditch and repairing the patched holes with thousands of pounds of bentonite. He quoted the job at $31,000. This will be in-kind, so Mr. Urquhart stated he and another shareholder will pay 25% toward of the total cost which leaves the company owing the other 25% of the total cost. The board took all the of the work Mr. Urquhart put into the grant and completed/submitted the grant for the rehab of the ditch. The grant deadline is December 1, 2022 and is currently unknown when we should hear if it is approved.
    • Gretchen Rank with the Mancos Conservation District was also present and spoke about funding options for the Turkey Creek Ditch in case this grant does not get approved and also spoke more about the funding she is keeping an eye on for the Lost Canyon Diversion. She and the board continue to work on this and will hopefully have more information in January when the round table meets.

  • 09/14/2022 - FALL STOCK RUN - The morning of 09/30/2022 through the morning of 10/02/2022.           If you do not want the water, please give it to your neighbors!

  • 09/06/2022 - Monthly BOD Meeting highlights
    • ​The past couple of meetings, the board has been discussing the Lost Canyon Diversion. We have gone over different funding options to be able to get this done as quick as possible. We have been in contact with Gretchen Rank with the Colorado Water Conservation District and she mentioned that there will be funding available but it would most likely to take up to 5 years to be able to follow all of their steps to get the work done. Also, the funds available are for everyone in the Mancos/Dolores area to apply for, meaning that we would possibly only be able to receive a portion and it would not cover what is needed. As of the August meeting, the board has decided to get companies up to the diversion to see what the next step is as far as getting started to see if the company can fund and do the work themselves by hiring out what is needed. If the board goes this direction, the hope is to get the diversion finished by summer 2023. We will update as we know more.

    • JOE MOORE - JUNE 17, 2022
    • PUETT - JUNE 27, 2022
    • SUMMIT - JUNE 27, 2022 

  • 05/04/22- Kathleen Huffman and Roger Ellis each have 1 share of water up for lease.
    • Contact us to get in touch for leasing these. 

  • 04/13/2022 - Monthly Board of Directors Meeting Highlights
    • Stockholders, water season starts May 1, 2022
    • At this time it is unknown how long the water season will last and should be determined at the next meeting (05/11)
    • Moving forward with Feasible Study for the Lost Canyon Diversion that should take place summer '22 (Date TBD)
    • Discussed more funding options for the Diversion Plan

  • 03/09/2022 – Monthly Board of Directors Meeting highlights
    • ​​​​​​​​The board voted in Katelyn Woodman as Secretary/Treasurer 
    • Discussed funding options for the Lost Canyon Diversion 


  • 01/22/2022 – Monthly Board of Directors Meeting held 01/08/2022

         Following a request for a salary negotiation it was the Boards’ decision to replace the current Secretary/Treasurer Laura                 Spencer-Wagner; the new Secretary/Treasurer will be April Hurst as of 02/01/2022.

  • 01/22/2022 – Highlights from the Annual Stockholders’ Meeting held on 01/08/2021.
    • Turkey Creek Ditch saw some much needed cleaning which will continue into 2022.
    • US Forest Service asked for a proposal for the cleaning of Turkey Creek Ditch to review the easements and water rights of Turkey Creek Ditch. Harris Engineering surveyed Turkey Creek Ditch to create a report of what the ditch dimensions would be if it were to hold the 90 feet of water that is stated in our water rights. Geoff Craig, our attorney along with Harris Engineering created the proposal and submitted it back to the US Forest Service.
    • A second piezometer well was drilled on the upstream side of Summit Dam.
    • Election of Norman Butler Jr. by Acclamation 
    • Budget for 2022 was approved
    • Water court case involving Stockholder Robert Urquhart has been settled out of court. Anyone wishing to receive a copy of the settlement agreement can contact the Secretary/Treasurer.


  • 12/05/2021 - BOARD MEETING for December has been cancelled.

  • 11/01/2021 - LAST MINUTE CHANGE - Board meeting will be held November 2nd at 6pm

  • 09/14/2021 - There will not be a 2021 Fall stock run.

  • 09/02/2012 - The September Board of Directors Meeting will be held September 8th at 7:00pm at the old fire house north on road 33. Laura would like to thank all of the stockholders for being patient during the last 3 months while she has been recovering from shoulder surgery and has been unable to work. 

  • 08/12/2021 - The monthly board of directors meeting was cancelled and the September 2021 meeting is TBD. 

  • 07/07/2021 - The monthly board of directors meeting for July has been cancelled

  • 06/06/2021- UPDATE - The 2021 Water Season is tentatively ending on June 17th. We are monitoring the reservoir levels and if they drop faster than expected the turn off date may change. 


  • 05/24/2021 - UPDATE  As of April 22nd 2021 the court case between Mr. Urquhart, the Company and the individual directors has been settled. If you would like to have a copy of the settlement agreement you can request one by emailing the Secretary at If you have any questions regarding the settlement you can contact the President Norman Butler jr at #970-759-5580.


  • 05/14/2021 - The 2021 Irrigation Season will begin May 27th. We are uncertain on how long the season will be but we are working to make it as long as possible.


  • 04/11/2021 – The Board of Directors held a “Special Meeting of the Stockholders” on April 5th during which the Bylaws where amended:
    Article IV Section 3  Notice of Meetings:
     “…either personally, or by mail, e-mail, fax or other electronic means reasonably calculated to reach the Stockholder.”
    And to Add
    Article IV Section 8. Meetings by Telecommunications.
    “At the discretion of the Board of Directors, or at the request of 20% of the Stockholders at least seven (7) days prior to a meeting, any or all of the Stockholders may participate in an annual, regular, or special meeting of the Stockholders by, or the meeting may be conducted through the use of, any means of communication by which all persons participating in the meeting may hear each other during the meeting. A Stockholder participating in a meeting by this means is deemed to be present in person at the meeting.”

    During this meeting the Resolutions/Ratification for the April 5th meeting and the 2021 Annual meeting as well as the Bylaw amendments were presented and passed.

  • ​03/22/2021 -The Board of Directors has called for a “Special Meeting of the Stockholders” for April 5th 2021 to be held at the Dolores Community Center. Meeting “notice” packets have been mailed to each Account holder with the details of the meeting. Registration will start at 5:00pm with the meeting starting at 6:00pm. As of March 3rd Montezuma County is in Level Blue which allows 50% capacity for indoor meetings allowing us to have 150 participants including the board. If you plan on attending please bring the packet that has been mailed to you. Topics for this meeting included second Bylaw amendment and revisiting the resolutions and ratifications brought up at the annual meeting.

  • 02/22/2021 – Days following the Annual Stockholders meeting each of the board of directors paid their account fee and assessment for 2021. Norman contacted the venders that we have unpaid invoices for and each of them is willing to wait for payment until the Company has money. 

    Geoff Craig has contacted the company’s liability insurance carrier to request that his fees for the Urquhart case be reimbursed back to the company.

    Laura and Norman met and have made changes to relieve some of the unnecessary stress and Laura agreed to stay on as Secretary/Treasurer. 

        The 2021 Invoices for Account and Assessment Fees have been mailed out.



  • 02/13/2021 – Highlights from the Annual Stockholders’ Meeting held on 02/08/2021.
    • Nina Williams is looking into possible money for system improvements – USDA/NRCS EQIP Application & National Program P1566 Flood Prevention Program
    • Election of Steve Wallace by Acclamation 
    • Geoff Craig – The Company’s attorney gave an overview regarding MVIC Water Rights case and the litigation case that Mr. Urquhart filed on 04/15/2019
    • Budget – went over budget for 2020 – had unexpected expenses. Attending stockholders made some adjustments on 2021 and still over budget. An increase of $40.00 per share and account fee was approved by the attending stockholders making 2021 Account fee $265.00 and Assessments $190.00 per share. At this time the Company is looking into barrowing money for operating expense and outstanding bill. 
    • Announcement of resignation of Laura Wagner as the Secretary/Treasurer position with end date of 03/01/2021. The board has some possible candidates in mind and will follow up with those individuals to fill the position.

  • 01/29/2021 - I apologize for the misspelling of the e-mail address on 01/22/2021. The correct e-mail address is

  • 01/22/2021 - The Annual Stockholder’s Meeting will be held February 8th at the Dolores Community Center and are limited to the number of participants can attend. We ask that only 1 individual per account attend the meeting. We also are asking that stockholders RSVP by February 6th by contacting the secretary/treasurer Laura by emailing her at OR leave a message at 970-570-5580. 

  • ​12/19/2020 - With the sale of his stock, John McHenry is no longer eligible to be a board member and has stepped down. In accordance with the Bylaws the remaining board member can appoint an individual to finish the remainder of the term vacated. At the December Board of Directors Meeting the board appointed Mike Rosso as the third board member.

    At this time the Annual Stockholders meeting date has not been set. The board continues to look into various methods of having the meeting with large turnouts. The board is looking into virtual meetings such as Zoom and is comparing costs and available features.

    Between September and October Turkey Creek Ditch had some much needed clean up starting at Dipping Vat. Due to the many years of growth it will take some time to make it all the way down the ditch.

  • ​09/12/2020 - Many stock holders have inquired concerning possibility of a fall stock run and during the September board of directors meeting; it was finalized, no stock run for 2020.The directors cited a lack of summer moisture along with a desire to maintain current levels in the reservoirs for next year’s normal run. 
    Hopefully, our snow pack will be plentiful and this will not be an issue next year. 

  • 05/24/2020 UPDATE: The 2020 water season will be ending soon. Joe Moore Reservoir will be turned off on May 29th; Summit and Puett will be turned off June 7th. We still are NOT expecting a fall stock run.

  • 05/13/2020 - Many of you have been asking about the length of the 2020 water season. Unfortunately due to the dry conditions we are estimating the season to be 30 days from the turn on date and we are not sure we will have enough water for a fall stock run. Please plan accordingly and hope we get some moisture to help.

  • 04/29/2020 - UPDATE - Due to the dry conditions the board of directors has decided the turn on day for the 2020 water season will be May 8th. 

  • 04/09/2020 – Due to very low snow melt in the high country we do not expect to have the 2020 water session start before our next board of directors meeting which will be help May 13th. If this information changes the message on the phone and web page will be updated as well as email sent out to the stockholders we have addresses for.


  • 02/24/2020 - The 2020 Annual Stockholders Meeting was held on 01/25/2020 at the Dolores Community Center.  Stockholders re-elected John McHenry as a director/vice president for another term after the other nominee declined the position. The Stockholders also unanimously approved the meeting minutes of the 2019 Annual Stockholders meeting held February 23rd, the budget as presented with no changes to the account fees or assessments, the annual resolution to do business and the amendment of the bylaws for Article V, Section 7.

     The January's board of directors meeting was held directly after the adjournment of the annual meeting to conduct        business such as paying bills and set the next monthly board meeting date. 

  • 02/18/2020 - Annual Invoices for account fees and assessments have been sent out. 

  • 12/11/2019 - Information for the 2020 annual stockholders meeting is now available on our meetings page

  • 11/12/2019 - UPDATE - The board of directors meeting has been postponed until November 19th at 7pm.


  • 09/16/2019 - UPDATE The company will conduct a fall stock run on September 27, 28 & 29th 2019.   Those stockholders that receive their water from Joe Moore Reservoir will not receive water during this year's stock run. 

  • 09/12/2019 - The company will conduct a fall stock run on October 4, 5 & 6th 2019.   Those stockholders that receive their water from Joe Moore Reservoir will not receive water during this year's stock run.

  • 08/16/2019 - The directors will make a determination as to a stock run during the September director's meeting.   Information will be posted on the website and the phone information line will be updated, following the meeting.

  • 07/22/2019 - The water for the 2019 irrigation season will be turned off Friday, August 9th.   The board of directors will continue to monitor the reservoir levels and make a decision on a potential fall stock run at a later date.

  • 06/09/2019 - Due to a scheduling conflict, the June board of director's meeting has been changed to June 10th @ 7:30 pm, please see the meetings page for more information.  

  • 05/21/2019 - The  turn-on date for the 2019 irrigation season has been pushed back one more day to May 31st, pending weather.

  • 05/20/2019 - Release of water into the ditches and pipelines from Summit Lake and Puett Reservoir will be delayed by one week and is now scheduled for Thursday May 30th, pending weather.

  • 05/11/2019 - Stockholders receiving their water from Joe Moore Reservoir will begin receiving water on Thursday May 16th.

  • 05/09/2019 - Irrigation water for the 2019 season will be released into the individual ditches and pipelines during the morning of Thursday May 23rd 2019.  Our reservoirs are now rapidly filling after a delay due to saturated soft ditch banks, large boulders and trees which slid into the Lost Canyon ditch in numerous locations and had to be removed with heavy equipment.   

  • 05/04/2019 - Reservoir levels are updated.   Currently, there is no turn-on date set for the 2019 season. The directors will receive an update from our ditch rider and discuss the matter at the board of director's meeting on Wednesday May 8th, please see the meetings page for more details.

  • 04/11/2019 – Mr. & Mrs. Matteson attended the monthly board meeting in order to get a better understanding of the use of water on the Extension Ditch.  Since the Extension Ditch is considered a private pipeline/ditch, the company does not want to get in the middle of stockholder’s disagreement. The company has received letters from each side’s legal counsel regarding the issue and will keep them for reference if needed in the future.   

    Norman Butler attended a meeting on April 5th with the High Desert Conservation District and Paul Kehmeier, the new Salinity Coordinator for the State of CO regarding opportunities for funding on projects.    

    Norman Butler and Laura Wagner attended the Colorado Dam Safety Rules Revision Workshop held on April 9th and were able to briefly talk to Matt Gavin regarding the buttress project. Matt stated that he would be meeting with Bill McCormick on May 1-2 and should have an update for us after that meeting.

    The directors and our ditch rider are carefully monitoring spring runoff and the condition of our ditches due to heavy moisture saturation.   No date had been determined for the release of the water into the individual ditches and pipelines.   The directors will discuss the situation at the May meeting.        

  • 03/14/2019 – At the monthly board of director’s meeting, the directors announced a of change of legal counsel effective March 1st.  Geoff Craig of The Craig Law Firm will be receiving all of our documents from David Liberman in order to review concerns that have come up such as, but not limited to  the letter of opposition for the MVI water rights change and annual meeting documentation questions.

    The board approved an addendum to the minutes of 2018 Annual Meeting in which there was a change in number of shares represented from 167.5 to 157.5 and shares by proxy from 50.5 to 60.5 with the overall number staying the same at 218.0.    

    We have not received a response from Matt Gavin regarding the buttress project and Jon Butler will continue to follow up with him.

  • 02/26/2019 – The board of directors met in an executive session in order to meet with legal counsel. No decisions were made at this meeting.

  • 02/24/2019 - The 2019 Annual Stockholders Meeting was held on 02/23/2018 at the Dolores Community Center with a substantial stockholder turnout.  Stockholders re-elected Norman Butler as a director/president for another term since there were no other nominations brought to the floor, approved the meeting minutes of the 2018 Annual Stockholders meeting held January 27th, as well as the minutes of 2018 Special Stockholders meeting held April 3rd, the budget as presented with no changes to the account fees or assessments and the annual resolution to do business.

    The February board of directors meeting was held directly after the adjournment of the annual meeting to conduct business such as paying bills and set the next monthly board meeting date.

  • 01/10/2019 – At this month’s board of directors meeting the board went over drafts for the Annual Stockholders Meeting which included the following: 2019 Budget, Newsletter and Agenda. The Annual meeting will be held February 23rd with registration starting at 5:00 pm and the meeting starting at 6:00 pm. Newsletters with attached proxy forms will be mailed out to all stockholders.    The board is still waiting for a response from Matt Gavin regarding the letter of intent for the buttress project. At this time the board does not believe they will have enough information regarding the project by the stockholders meeting and have not placed the subject on the agenda. 

  • 12/17/18 – At this month’s meeting the board approved the final letter of intent, for the buttress project, that is going to be sent along with the requested studies to the local dam inspector/engineer, Matt Gavin by Jonathan Butler and the board does not expect a response until after the New Year.   

    The Annual Newsletter will be sent after the January board meeting and it will contain the information on the Annual Stockholders Meeting as well as a proxy form for those who cannot make it to the meeting. ​At the January board meeting the annual budget will be reviewed as well as finalizing the agenda for the annual meeting.

  • 11/26/2018 – At the board meeting this month Jonathan Butler presented a draft of the “letter of intent” that will be, once finalized sent to both the local and the state engineers regarding the buttress project. As of today, the letter has been put on hold until after the first of the year due to the local engineer not being available to look at it until then. A stockholders meeting will be announced after we have heard from the state as to their decision on the project.

  • 11/16/2018 - At the board of directors meeting, the president, Norman Butler was the only director in attendance. Minimal business was conducted and topics on the agenda will be presented at the December board of directors meeting. The annual stockholders meeting will be scheduled at the December meeting as well as planning the agenda and reviewing a rough draft of the budget. After the meeting the annual newsletter will be sent to all stockholders and as in the past it will contain a proxy form.

  • 10/16/2018 - Jonathan Butler updated the board that he has received rough bids for the buttress project from S&S Construction for $255,000 +/- 10% and from Lewis for $200,000 +/- 10% and is still waiting to hear back from Weeminuche Construction. The board believes a letter of “Intent” should be drafted and has asked Jonathan to prepare the letter and to contact to Matt Gavin (local dam and safety engineer) for assistance if needed. The board would like Jonathan to draft the letter and present it to Norman before the next board meeting so he can call an executive meeting with the other board members for approval.  At this time the board wishes to try to get the state’s approval before presenting the project to stockholders and seeking funding options for the project. 


  • 09/18/2018 - At the September board of directors meeting the decision was made that there will NOT be a stock run for 2018.   Jonathan Butler updated the board that he is still waiting on rough Bids from S&S Construction and Weeminuche Construction for the buttress project and he believes that Nina Williams might have an update at the next board meeting as to possible funding for the project.  Once bids and funding sources have been identified a letter of “Intent” will be drafted and sent to Matt Gavin (local dam and safety engineer) and Bill McCormick (state dam and safety engineer) to seek approval of the project.

  • 08/13/2018 - Results of the soil testing is favorable for use of material near the dam. Jonathan Butler will be contacting Lewis Excavation, S & S Construction and Weeminuche Construction for bids for the dam buttress project.   Nina Williams is proceeding with the search for possible funding for the project and will continue to keep the board apprised of her findings. If the company has to seek more traditional funding or grants the buttress project would have to undergo extensive engineering and feasibility studies.

  • 08/13/2018 – Due to the low levels in the reservoirs as well as no monsoon rains it is likely that there will NOT be a stock run in the fall. The board will continue to monitor the situation and will continue updating the website of any changes.

  • 07/11/2018 - At the July board of directors meeting, Jon Butler reported that he has been in contact with the local dam inspector, Matt Gavin regarding improvements to the Summit dam.  Jonathan is starting the soil tests needed on the material around the dam and will report findings to Matt and the board of directors. 

  • 06/25/2018 - During the June board of directors meeting, Jonathan Butler presented several abutment renderings that he created along with very rough estimates as to the possible cost of each one.    He has asked the board for permission to do soil testing in the area around the dam in order to see if the cost can be reduced by using material that is close by.   Jonathan is also interested in talking to the state engineers for our area to get his opinion on the options he has come up with.  The board granted both requests.


  • 05/28/2018 - Water for the 2018 season will be turned off on the morning of Friday June 1st 2018, for those stockholders receiving water their water from Summit Lake and Puett Reservoir.   The directors will review the reservoir levels this fall to determine if a fall stock run is possible.

  • 05/24/2018 - For those stockholders receiving their water from Joe Moore Reservoir, the available water for this season has been exhausted and the head gate is now closed.   The board of directors and our ditch rider continue to closely monitor the system and our reservoir levels and have not yet determined a turn-off date for Summit and A.M. Puett stockholders.

  • 5/09/2018 - Water for the 2018 irrigation season will be turned into the individual ditches and pipelines on the morning of Friday May 18th 2018.   Our reservoirs levels are very low and the board of directors will be reviewing the levels on a weekly basis to determine how long of a season it will be, but be prepared for a very limited season.

  • 05/09/2018 - A small group of stockholders are forming a committee, with the board's approval, to explore options for available grants etc. for repairs to the Summit Dam, if you would like to participate in this committee, please contact the secretary/treasurer for more information.

  • 04/23/2018 – The 2018 water season is questionable at best, as both Summit Lake and Puett Reservoir are both very low and there is virtually no snow left at 10,000 feet. The board will address the matter at the May 9th board of directors meeting and the information line and website will be updated afterwards.

  • 04/04/2018 – During the special annual meeting conducted on 04/03/2018 at the Dolores Community Center with our attorney David Liberman present, the membership approved the newly revised bylaws with minor changes.    With 221.5 shares present at the start of the meeting, the final vote was 196.0 for and 21.5 against.

  • 03/25/2018 – The board of directors held an executive session on Thursday evening, March 22, 2018 with the company’s attorney, David Liberman to review the latest bylaw revision.   Mr. Liberman expressed concerns with the current revision and presented supporting case law and answered questions from the directors.   The board will be reviewing the latest update of the bylaws provided by Mr. Liberman early in the week of March 26th and once reviewed by the directors, they will be available to the stockholders by request.

  • 03/25/2018 - The board has decided to conduct it's April board meeting, immediately after the conclusion of the "special annual meeting" on April 3rd.

  • 03/15/2018 - The SR&IC Board of Directors has scheduled a “special annual meeting” to be conducted on Tuesday April 3, 2018 beginning at 6:30 pm held at the Dolores Community Center - 400 Riverside Ave Dolores, Colorado. The purpose of this meeting is to review the company bylaws following revisions completed by the board in an executive session on January 31st.  Our company attorney, David Liberman will be present to answer questions.  This subject of this meeting will be limited to the bylaws.  Please see our Meetings Page for more details. An announcement will be mailed to all stockholders.

  • 03/03/2018 - The location for the March Board of Director's Meeting has changed to the Dolores Community Center, please see our meetings page for more information.

  • 03/03/2018 - Invoices for 2018 are in the mail

  • 02/23/2018 - Invoices for 2018 account fees and share assessments will be mailed shortly.

  • 02/01/2018  - The board of directors met on 01/31/2018 in an executive session to reflect upon the input received from the stockholders at the annual meeting, reviewing each section of the bylaws and making changes based on those recommendations.  

  • 01/28/2018 - The 2018 Annual Stockholders Meeting was held on 01/27/2018 at the Ponderosa Restaurant with a substantial stockholder turnout.  Stockholders re-elected  Steve Wallace as a director for another term, approved the budget as presented with no changes to the account fees or assessments and the annual resolution to do business . The stockholders also approved adding full account fees to those accounts that require separate invoices for shared stocks with multiple owners.   The bylaws where presented and the stockholders voted not to approve them as written.  In response to the vote, the board would like to conduct a "special" annual meeting to be set at a future date and time.  During this meeting, bylaw revisions will be discussed while having our lawyer present to answer questions.  It is the desire of the directors that during this meeting that changes can be made and voted upon for implementation. Notices will be mailed to each stockholder announcing the date and time as well as a notice placed on this website.

  • 11/09/2017 - The annual meeting is scheduled for January 27th 2018 at 6:00 pm at the Ponderosa Restaurant in Dolores.

  • 10/27/2017 - During the upcoming November 8, 2017 Board of Director’s meeting, the board would like to review the proposed bylaws changes and receive any final comments and suggestions.  While there was substantial interest during the annual meeting in January, to date we have only received a few comments and suggestions.   If you have an interest in commenting on this matter, please attend the board meeting on November 8th 2017 at 6:30pm at the Ponderosa Restaurant, so the board may address your concerns or questions before making final changes. 

  • 09/16/2017 - Fall stock run will be conducted on October 6, 7 & 8th.

  • 09/16/2017 Addendum - It was brought to the attention of the board that the special meeting regarding the bylaw changes needed to be scheduled.  Since the board received only a few responses or change suggestions, they decided not to hold a workshop and let the bylaws be presented as-is at the annual meeting.

  • 07/22/2017 - Water for the 2017 season will be turned off on Friday August 4, 2017

  • 07/14/2017  -  A turn off date of the water for the 2017 season has not been determined.   Please continue to check back with this page or the information line for future updates.

  • 05/22/2017 - The Board of Directors is working with Colorado Parks and Wildlife to develop a strategy to reduce our exposure to the zebra/quagga mussel threat but still allow public use of our reservoirs to as many as possible.   We expect to be able to provide more details by the end of June 2017.


  • 05/22/2017 - Since a number of the stockholders have expressed an interest in further development of the company bylaws, the board has decided to conduct a one day workshop to allow shareholders to participate in the revision of this document during the workshop.   More details as to the date, time and location will be forthcoming.

  • 04/13/2017 -  The Board of Directors expects to turn irrigation water for the 2017 season into the ditches and pipeline by May 5th.   Depending on the rate of inflow into reservoirs, it maybe necessary to release water sooner than the 5th, please continue to check back with this page or the phone information line for updates.

  • 04/13/2017 Addendum- The board has decided not to conduct the meeting to vote on the bylaws changes until after the water is turned off for the 2017 season.

  • 03/31/2017 - On Thursday March 30th, Norman Butler Jr., Steve Boyd and Laura Spencer-Wagner attended a community meeting concerning the mussel threat presented by federal, state and local agencies in an effort to gather more information before making a decision on the future of boating on our three (3) reservoirs. The handouts presented at this meeting are available in pdf form here.   Thank you to Colorado Parks and Wildlife for making these available.

  • 03/18/2017 - The Board of Directors is carefully reviewing available information on the zebra/quagga mussel threat to our reservoirs and will make a decision on the future of boating on these reservoirs shortly, at which time we will update this page and issue a press release to the Cortez Journal.

  • 03/15/2017 - The company has utilized the services of the Law Office of David Liberman, LLC to review and advise the Board as to necessary changes to our Bylaws, here is a link to his biographical information.

  • 01/25/2017 - Stockholders with comments and suggestions for revisions to the company bylaws should direct those comments to the secretary/treasurer via an email or by utilizing the message form on the Bylaws / Rules & Regulations page.   Stockholder bylaw review period ends April 1st 2017, at which time the board of directors will review the comments and suggestions received, consult with the company attorney, makes changes as needed and then schedule a special meeting to vote on the changes to the bylaws.

  • 11/17/2016- The annual stockholders meeting is scheduled for January 14th 2017.  Please see our Meetings Page for further details.

  • 10/20/2016 -Due to a scheduling conflict , the monthly Board of Directors meetings will now be conducted on the third Wednesday of each month.  Please check the Meetings pages for regular updates.

  • 10/11/2016 - The October Board of Directors Meeting has been changed to October 19th @ 7:00 pm

  • 09/14/2016- The stock run for 2016 will be conducted during the weekend of October 7, 8 and 9th, please be ready to receive water on Friday morning.

  • 07/14/2016 -Irrigation water for the 2016 season will be turned off on Sunday July 31st 2016.  Additionally, members receiving their water from Joe Moore Reservoir should not expect to receive water during the fall stock run this year due to necessary repairs to the outlet structure.

  • 06/17/2016 - Temporary repairs to the main ditch were accomplished without the need to turn the water off, so no interruption in service on the main ditch will occur at this time.

  • 06/16/2016 - Ditches/Pipelines Off For Repairs
    • Main Ditch - Water will be off for repairs Friday 06/17 - Sunday 06/19
    • South Main Pipeline - Water will be off on Saturday 06/18 for repairs

  • 05/09/2016 - For those stockholders needing a lost instrument bond to replace a missing or lost water share stock certificate, information has been added to our Resources page as a source for these bonds. 

  • 04/22/2016 - Water for the 2016 irrigation season will be turned into the individual ditches and pipelines during the morning of Friday April 29th, please have your head gates ready to accept the water.

  • 04/13/2016 - The Board of Directors expects water to be turned into the ditches and pipelines by either the end of April or during the first week in May.   On April 22 they will review the reservoir levels and incoming flow rates and make a determination as to the exact date the water will be turned on.  The Reservoir Levels page has been updated with current information.

  • 04/02/2016 - Three (3) articles from the Cortez Journal's "80 Years Ago" series have been added to our history page, they reference decisions made and work performed on the Summit Reservoir Dam in 1936.

  • 03/10/2016 - While we are beginning to see run-off from the Lost Canyon ditch, it is too early to predict a turn-on date for the water at this time.   This matter will be reviewed at the April Board of Directors Meeting (04/13/2016) and this page as well as the information line will be updated.

  • 02/21/2016 - Invoices for 2016 account fees and water share assessments will be mailed or emailed shortly.  If you would like to receive your invoices via e-mail, please contact the secretary / treasurer.

  • 02/01/2016 - The secretary / treasurer has a new phone number 970-570-5580

  • 01/24/2016 - Annual Meeting Highlights
    • Norman Butler Jr. - Re-elected President for another three (3) year term
    • Changes to the bylaws for clarification purposes were approved
    • Account Fee increase of $25.00 was approved
    • A stock holders special meeting will be held in the spring of 2016 to review and vote upon the bylaw regarding the wording of "First Right of Refusal" after it has been reviewed by our water attorney.

  • 12/09/2015 - The starting time for the annual stockholders meeting has changed, the meeting will begin promptly at 6:00 pm with registration at starting at 5:00 pm.

  • 11/18/2015 - The annual stockholders meeting will be held on January 23, 2016 at 7:00 pm at the Ponderosa Restaurant in Dolores.  Please see the meetings page for more information.   All stockholders are welcome and encouraged to attend.

  • 09/10/2015 - The company will conduct a stock run on October 2, 3 & 4th, please have your headgates ready to accept the water.

  • 09/03/2015 - Outstanding account fees and share assessments are due 10/01/2015, invoices will be mailed shortly to all shareholders with balances due.

  • 08/12/2015 - A three (3) day stock run will be conducted in October, please check back with this page or the phone information line for specific dates, once determined by the Board of Directors

  • 07/24/2015 - The irrigation water for the 2015 season will be turned off on Monday August 3rd.

  • 07/08/2015 - The  board of directors anticipates that the reservoirs contain enough water to support continued water flow through August 1st 2015.   Please continue to check back with either the information phone line or this page for further updates as this date may be subject to change.