David Huhn - Agriculture/Water Deputy
970-565-8452 ext 521
970-759-9402 Cell
970-565-3731 Fax
730 East Driscoll Street
Cortez, CO 81321
SNOTEL Site: Mancos
State: Colorado
Site Number: 905
County: Montezuma
Latitude: 37 deg; 26 min N
Longitude: 108 deg; 10 min W
Elevation: 10000 feet
Reporting since: 1994-09-23 .
For questions and assistance with irrigation projects, contact
Jeff Fowlds - Conservation Technician
Office: 970-529-8371
Cell: 970-560-2547
628 West 5th Street
Cortez, CO 81321
Summit Reservoir & Irrigation Company
SNOTEL Site: Sharkstooth
State: Colorado
Site Number: 1060
County: Montezuma
Latitude: 37 deg; 30 min N
Longitude: 108 deg; 7 min W
Elevation: 10720 feet
Reporting since: 2004-10-01
Click on one of the picture below to generate a SNOTEL site report from either the Sharkstooth or Mancos SNOTEL reporting stations. The map below depicts the location of the two (2) SNOTEL sites in respect to the location of our reservoirs.
Durango Office
151 East 16th Street
Durango, Colorado 81301
(970) 247-0855
Marty Robbins - Water Commissioner
Doug Pickering - Water Commissioner
Cortez Office (Water Districts 32, 34, 69, & 71)
60 Cactus Street
Cortez, CO 81321
(970) 565-0694
Snow Depth Reports
Ditch and Reservoir Company Alliance
1630A 30th St., #431
Boulder, CO 80301
Phone: (970) 412-1960
Fax: (303) 516-1202
Executive Director: John McKenzie
Water Flow Rates:
One cubic foot of water/second (1cfs) = 448 gallons per minute
1 cfs = 12 shares of Summit Reservoir & Irrigation Company water
1 share = 0.083 cfs or 37.3 gallons per minute (gpm)
1 cfs flowing for 12 hours = 1 acre foot of water (af)
1 acre foot (af) of water =43,560 cubic feet or 325,829 gallons of water
A full head of Summit Reservoir & Irrigation water contains 12 shares
Copyright 2015-2022 Summit Reservoir & Irrigation Company. All rights reserved.